October 27, 2011

CVs and cover letters

Here you are some interesting sites about CVs and getting a job.

Have a look at them and let's record some Dos and Don'ts to help people who are writing CVs and cover letters


Genoveva said...

You should type your Cv and letter

laura lillo said...

You should always include a photograph on a C.V.

laura lillo said...

You shouldn´t sign in a letter in red ink with a fountain pen.

Angela said...

you shouldn't lie when you write your CV

Angela said...

you shouldn't give lots of irrelevant or unimportant hobbies

Anonymous said...

You shouldn`t write the letter by hand

Anonymous said...

You should write begin the letter always with 'Dear, Mrs, Ms..'

Anonymous said...

You shouldn't write the date only with numbers.

Anonymous said...

You shouldn`t put your name on the left

Diego Lorenzo said...

you must write the same name on the evelope and destination name and address.

Maria said...

Your cover letter mustn´t be more than one page.

Diego Lorenzo said...

Do not put your name at beginning

Maria said...

Your CV is more aceptable if it is writen a computer

Marina Díaz said...

You should explain foreign qualifications

Francisco Aranda said...

You mustn`t forget the correct salutation

Marina Díaz said...

You should be brief and concise.

Francisco Aranda said...

You must write the same name on the envelope and on the destination name and address

Vanesa said...

You must say why you want the position

Vanesa said...

You must put your address, telephone, fax and email

miriam said...

You shouldn't hand your cv with misspelling.

miriam said...

You CV shouldn´t be too formal or complicated.

Galvez said...

do not write the date as number´s only

Galvez said...

the body of the letter must be 3 to 6 paragraphs.

dory said...

You have to address,your telephone number, fax and or email address at the top in the centre or on the right.

dory said...

you mustn´t have your name in the center but you must put it on the right.

ali said...

you can put additional information how driving licence.

ali said...

you have to proffesionals experience.

Cristina Arias said...

You covereing letter should be short, concise ande relevant

Flores said...

You should design your letter to be easy to read.

Flores said...

Do ask a friend to look at your CV and letter.

Cris Morales said...

It shouldn't be too formal or complicated

Cris Morales said...

Say why you want the post

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